Mariangela Cerrino was born in Turin; when still very young, she started studying American history at the Centre for American Studies of Turin and her first novel, set at the time of the American revolution, was published by Sonzogno of Milan when she was only seventeen. From 1966 to 1973, this publishing house brought out fourteen of her novels, with covers designed by G. Crepax. Later she passed to Frontiera Edizioni of Bologna, that published another five novels of hers set in the epic period of American history, as well as reprinting some titles already brought out by Sonzogno. Ms. Cerrino, who wrote under the name of May Ionnes Cherry, could count on a large and faithful reading public in this genre.
At the beginning of the Eighties, she started to write science fiction and fantasy novels, in a search for a new narrative style, free from the rigid pattern imposed by the historical reconstruction she was tied to her first books, which, however, remains her favourite form.
Her first work, a short story called "Passaggio ad Eridani" was immediately bought by RAI for the programme Alba del Domani; in this way she became a figure of growing importance in the world of Italian science fiction. In 1983 she won the Ppremio Italia for the short story "Il Segreto di Mavi-Su" and she published her first novels in the magazine Pulp of Turin. Her stories were also published in Omni, in Futura of Peruzzi Editore, in the Millemondi Mondadori Collection, in the Encyclopedia of Science Fiction of Fanucci, and in Solaris, as well as in newspapers and weekly magazines. In 1989, she published her most important science fiction novel, "L’Ultima Terra Oscura" (Nord, Milan), that won the Premio Italia of that year.
However, in 1990, she turned again to historical research, blending it with her lifelong passionate interest for archaeology: from this came the book
"I cieli Dimenticati", the first hardcover volume of a trilogy dedicated to the Etruscans, published in 1992 by Longanesi of Milan, that won the Premio Italia as best novel of the year. The second volume of the Etruscan cycle, "La Via degli Dei", was published by Longanesi in 1993, and the last volume of the trilogy, "La Porta sulla Notte", Longanesi, was brought out in June 1995, and again won the Premio Italia that year.
The complete cycle, printed in a single volume of approximately one thousand pages, was published in Germany in October 1996 by the publishing house Kruger-Fischer of Frankfurt, and achieved a considerable succes of circulation and sales. It was the first time an Italian author of historical-fantasy novels had had such a success in a market specialized in this genre, as is the german one. In October 1998, the same publisher brought out a paperback edition, and another one was published by Bechtermunz Verlag in 2000. The fourth edition was published in June 2005.
In 1998, the Trilogy was presented in a new version in the cycle "Rasna - La Saga del Popolo Etrusco", Edizioni TEA, Milan. This new version that lightened the narration enhanced the history of a people ignored until recently, describing with absolute accuracy the historical setting and offering a the same time a lively and colourful picture, in tune with the renewed interest of the readers for the historical novel. This version was published in Spain as "The Pueblo Olvidado" by Emece Salamandra, 2001.
Ms. Cerrino, who had always been keenly interested in history and ancient cultures, and active in the discovery of the past, of the tradition and the language of her own region (Piedmont, Savoy and Dauphiné), then devoted herself to a project she had cultivated for a long time.
The result of this are IL SEGNO DEL DRAGO and IL SEGRETO DELL'ALCHIMISTA, the first two of a series of four novels set in the heart of Europe of the year one thousand. They are novels with a historical background, that mix various genres: adventure, intrigue and a vein of fantasy.
Both were published in Germany by Blanvalet Verlag, Random House Verlagsgruppe. The first one, Das Drachenmal, in June 2002; the other, Die Kunst des Alchimisten in December 2002.
In the same year was reprinted LE STORIE DELL'EPOCA MU by MONDADORI, Milan.
The whole Midle Age's project - the novels IL SEGNO DEL DRAGO, IL SEGRETO DELL'ALCHIMISTA, IL CUSTODE DELL'ARCOBALENO AND IL CALICE SPEZZATO – was published in spring 2010 by SUSALIBRI EDITRICE in a very accurate edition with covers by Angela Betta Casale, a very quoted painter.
In spring 2010 ALACRÁN EDIZIONI, Milan, published IL MARGINE DELL'ALBA, historical novel set in XVI Century, in the heart of Europe, between Piedmont and Southern France. The novel is the real story of Jean Louis Arlaud, known as “Captain Lacazette”, in one of the most tragic times in European history: the Wars of Religion. A new edition in April 2017 by GOLEM EDIZIONI, Turin.
In december 2011 Lisidranda's three novels ebook hit the market.
ABSEDIUM, in october 2012 by RIZZOLI RCS is an historical novel, about the Roman Gaul wars, but from Gaulish point of view.
IL MINISTERO DELLE ULTIME OMBRE, TIMECRIME FANUCCI, published October 30, 2015, is her first thriller novel.
Il Margine dell'alba, Golem Edizioni, 2017
Il Ministero delle ultime ombre - (thriller), TimeCrime Fanucci 2015
Absedium - Il Vento di Alesia - (historical novel), Rizzoli 2012
Absedium - Rizzoli Corriere della Sera 2017
Il Margine dell'alba - (historical novel), Alacran, 2010
Lisidranda - (fantasy), Armenia 2008
Lisidranda: L'Albero del Mondo, Le Terre dell'anima, La Coppa della Vita - ebook, December 2011
Year One Thousand - (historical)
Il Segno del Drago, Susalibri 2010
Il Segreto dell'alchimista , Susalibri 2010
Il Custode dell'Arcobaleno, Susalibri 2010
Il Calice spezzato, Susalibri 2010
Il Segno del Drago (The Dragon's Mark), Longanesi 1999
Il Segreto dell’Alchimista (The Alchemist's Secret), Longanesi 2000.
Das Drachenmal, Blanvalet Verlag, Bertelsmann Random House June 2002
Die Kunst des Alchimisten, Blanvalet Verlag, Bertelsmann Random House December 2002
Il Segno del Drago
Il Segreto dell'alchimista
Il Custode dell'Arcobaleno
Il Calice Spezzato
ebook Delos - Dicembre 2012
Etruscans - (historical-fantasy, VIth Century B.C.)
I cieli dimenticati (Forgotten Heavens), Longanesi 1992; Tea Due, 1993; Edizione ridotta, Tea 1998
La via degli dei (The God's Path), Longanesi, 1993; EuroClub, 1994; Tea Due, 1995; Edizione ridotta, Tea 1998
La porta sulla notte (The Door into Night), Longanesi, 1995
La porta sulla notte (Edizione ridotta), Tea 1998
Die Seherin der Etrusker, Grûger Verlag 1996
Die Seherin der Etrusker, Bechtermunz Verlag, 2000
El pueblo olvidado, Emece Salamandra, 2001
Die Seherin der Etrusker, Fischer 2005
ScienceFiction Novels
Cielo 19 (Nineteenth Sky), Pulp 5, 1983
Storie dell’epoca Mu (Mu Age's Tales), Pulp 8, 1984 (Ciclo di MU, prima parte)
Anvernel dimenticata (Anvernel the Forgotten), Pulp 14, 1986 (Ciclo di MU, seconda parte)
L’ultima terra oscura (The Last Dark Land), Cosmo Argento, Nord 1989
Gli Eredi della Luce (Heirs of the Light), Nord, 2001
Cronache dell'Epoca Mu, Mondadori, 2008
L'Ultima terra oscura, Golem Edizioni, 2017
L'Alba di Alwayr, Golem Edizioni 2017
American History Novels pseudonym May I. Cherry:
Blue River, Sonzogno 1966
L’ultimo cielo (The Last Sky), Sonzogno 1967
L’anima Selvaggia (Wild Soul), Sonzogno 1967
Lettie Huddlestone, Sonzogno 1968
Rio Colorado, Sonzogno 1968
Il Sentiero della vendetta (Revenge Trail) , Sonzogno 1968
Adios, Amigo, Sonzogno 1969; Frontiera 1986
Dalla parte dove soffia il vento (Windward), Sonzogno 1969
La terra del signore (The Lord's Land), Sonzogno 1970; Frontiera 1970
La ragazza di Quanah (Quanah's Girl), Sonzogno 1970
Malpaso, Sonzogno 1972
La fortuna di Charity Hoss (Charity Hoss' Luck), Sonzogno 1972
La pista dimenticata (The Forgotten Trail), Sonzogno 1973; Frontiera 1988
Tanimari , Frontiera 1982
Gloria del mattino (Morning Glory), Frontiera 1983
L’ultimo sentiero (The Last Trail), Frontiera 1983
I fiumi del vento (Popo Agie Time), Frontiera 1985
La luce sulle montagne (Idaho), Frontiera 1986
Short Novels
Federation's Series
(Short stories set into a future where Federation is the control-and-rule organization responsible for new worlds' exploration and colonization. They are especially centered on the Watch Masters Order, a non-military select corps.)
Alla Luna Alta di O'Maio (To O'Maio Full Moon) - The Time Machine, 1980
Probability Point - The Time Machine, 1981 / Pianeta Italia, European Writers of SF, Perseo, 1989
Passaggio ad Eridani (Passage to Eridani) - Rai, L'Alba del Domani 1981 / L'Eternauta n.109, 1992
Il Popolo del Mattino (Morning's People) - The Time Machine, 1983
Catturati dalla Nostalgia (Probability Point) - Omni 15, Peruzzo, 1983
Il Segreto di Mavi-Su (Mavi-Su's Secret) - The Time Machine, 1983 / Solaris 5, Garden, 1987 /Csillagok ciganylania (Hungary) 1988
Altri Mondi Lontani (Other Faraway Worlds) - Black Out, 1983 / Futuro Europa, Perseo, 1991
Divisione Darex (Darex Division) - The Time Machine, 1984 / Galaxys, 1986
Space Islands Series
(Stories set into a near future, on the Islands orbiting around Earth)
Isola Due, Procedura Pioggia (Island Two, Rain Procedure) - Futura, Peruzzo, 1984
Natale ad Isola Nove (Island Nine Christmas) - Un'Ala, 1984
Mai Verrà la Notte (Night Shall Never Come) - Millemondinverno, Mondadori, 1986
Not enclosed into a series:
Il Cercatore di Gloria (The Seeker) - The Time Machine, 1982 / L'Unità, August 13 1986
L'Incontro (The Meeting) - Sf...ere, 1982 / La Gazzetta del Mezzogiorno, 1991
Morte del Patriarca (The Patriarch's Death) - The Dark Side, 1983
Alpha Carinae 242 - The Time Machine, 1984 / Dimensione Cosmica 11, 1987 / Stelle dell'Orsa Minore, Solfanelli, 1989
Seem to miss to much - Miskatonic Magazine, 1984
Passaggio Imperfetto (Imperfect Passage) - Pulp 13, 1986
L'Incantatore (The Enchanter) - Ucronia 4, new series, 1988 / Zakladna 6 (Czechoslovakia), 1995
Sorella Oscura (Dark Sister) - Millemondinverno, Mondadori, 1988
Il Dono (The Gift) - Diesel 1993
Short Historical novels
La storia di Alesia e del gatto che parlava con le stelle, Tantestorie, Ega Editore 2004
Il Tempo e le Pietre, per la rassegna Un pomeriggio tra i Menhir – testo teatrale 2009
Literary Agency
for foreign
Piergiorgio Nicolazzini
Literary Agency
Via Moroni 22
20146 Milano, Italy
tel/fax: +39 02 83420192